JAF 34 fonts

JAF 34 nedávno vypustil novou fontovou řadu PRIMITIVE, inspirující se graffiti, pixaçao a písmem starých domorodých kmenů a to hlavně skandinávskými runami. Níže jsou ukázky řad DUPLICITER, F.O.T.R. a PRIMITIVE (odkazy k pořízení pod článkem). Zdarma si lze stáhnout řadu UNIVERSUM.
I have been decide to create my own typeface with a special characters, which is try to displacement or change the boundaries of the basics typographic categories. I made up this typeface which is all based on a circle and its own variation. This typeface is suitable for a posters and print design as I show below.
UNIVERSUM by JAF 34 [dafont mirror]
52KB . otf/ttf in .zip
UNIVERSUM by JAF 34 [phatbeatz mirror]
52KB . otf/ttf in .zip
DUPLICITER is an experimental display sans serif font which has two typefaces for comfortable and experimental use. DUPLICITER is a (latest) part of new school in type design that could be called like mind-free and geometric direction in the world. Sans serif, condensed, sharp edges, geometric, experimental, these are the main attributes of DUPLICITER.
Experimental typeface which is closely connected with the previously photo project. Space travelling is near so I decided to bring you a brand new typeface based on insight into the future! Display typeface called F. O. T. R.. Three weights, a lot of accent and so many styles of one letter.
Creativity and creation on the cave, wall and public space around us is an integral part of ourselves. We need to work and transform with a space around us. We did it a million years ago and we do it to these days.
„PRIMITIVE is ultra cheap typeface dedicated to urban culture.”
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